Legal statement

This website (hereinafter, the “Website”) is operated and used by DELTA-TRUCK Kft. (registered address: 2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Leshegy utca 13. company registration number: 13-09- 090615, tax number: 10544350-2-13, hereinafter, the “Operator”). By visiting the website, Visitors accept the following terms and conditions for visitors concerning the Website, which the Operator may unilaterally modify at any time. The terms and conditions shall be effective and applicable from their publication on the Website. If any provision of the terms and conditions for visitors becomes invalid or ineffective, the validity of the other provisions or the terms and conditions for visitor shall not be affected.
Registered address: 2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Leshegy utca 13. Company registration number: 13-09- 090615, tax number: 10544350-2-13,
Terms and conditions for the visitors of the Website:
Operator: Delta-Truck Kft. Registered address: 2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Leshegy utca 13. Company registration number: 13-09-090615, tax number: 10544350-2-13)
Affiliated companies: Undertakings related to or cooperating with the Operator. They include, in particular, the Affiliated Undertakings of the Operator, their contractual partners whose products and services are sold by the Operator and its Affiliated Undertakings, as well as the members of the franchise network operated by the Operator and/or its Affiliated Undertakings.
Visitor: any third party visiting the Website.
Data: Information and knowledge concerning or related to the activities carried out by the Operator and the Affiliated Undertakings which is recorded in any manner or form and published in the Website.
Creative content: All the work that appears on the Website. It includes, in particular, scientific and educational literary work (hereinafter referred to as “Article”), advertising text (hereinafter referred to as “Advertisement”), work created by drawing or painting or photographic work (hereinafter referred to as “Image”), cinematographic work or other audiovisual work (hereinafter referred to as “Film”).
Trademark: Any indication on the Website which is patent protected under Hungarian and/or international laws. It includes, in particular, any logo, emblem or descriptive mark placed on the Website.
Database: A collection of stand-alone works, data or other content elements arranged in accordance with a system or method, the content elements of which are individually accessible by information technology or any other means.
Content: All the Data, Creative Content and Trademarks on the Website.
2. Purpose of the Website
The purpose of the Website is to present, promote and advertise the Operator and the activities of the Affiliated Undertakings, as well as timely topics and news related to its operations. The news on the website (in particular, “Truck News”) is not considered a press product since the purpose of these platforms is to inform the Visitors of the Website about the activities, products and services of the Operator and Affiliated Undertakings, thus facilitating the business activities of the Operator and the Affiliated Undertakings.
3. Use of the Website
Visiting the Website and viewing the content on the Website are considered as use of the Website and qualifies as free use as defined in Act LXXXVI of 1999 on Copyright Act LXXXVI. The free use of the Content of the Website includes, in particular, quoting by naming the source and the author; adaptation for school education and scientific research purposes beyond quoting by naming the source and the author; making copying by natural persons for a private purpose if it is not intended for the purpose of making or increasing income (hereinafter referred to as “Free use”). Visitor shall not cause any other person to make a copy on a computer or an electronic medium, even if this is for private use.
Visitors undertake to refrain, while visiting the Website, from any conduct likely to interfere with the operation of the Website, the Operator and the Affiliated Undertakings or infringe the rights of the Operator, Affiliated Undertakings or third parties.
Visitors use the website at their responsibility. The Operator does not accept liability for any damage incurred by the Visitors in connection with their visit of the Website, except for damage caused intentionally or to the detriment of human life, physical integrity or health.
The Operator shall have the right to block or prohibit access to the Website by the Visitor where the Visitor is in breach of the conditions of visit concerning him and/or the conduct of the visitor is in breach of or could prejudice the rights of the Operator, Affiliated Undertakings or third parties.
4. Content of the Website
The Operator endeavours to ensure that the content placed on the Website is correct and complete and does not prejudice the rights of third parties. The Operator does not accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies of the Contents placed in the Website or the lack of updates due to the passing of time.
The Operator marks Contents on the website that is considered as advertising with the ‘commercial communications’ indication or by the ‘X’ mark.
Contents placed on the Website are not be considered as a unilateral offer or a call for a contracting.
5. Copyright, Trademarks concerning copyright
The website shall be protected in its entirety and by copyright in all the works placed on it. The Contents placed on the Website are property of the Operator or its Affiliated Undertakings unless otherwise indicated by the Operator. The Operator shall have the right to use the Content placed on the Website in material and non-material form for any purpose and to authorize specific uses, and the Operator shall publish on the Website only Content that is covered by its licence.
Visitors may not, without the prior written consent of the Operator, use, process or sell the whole or any part of the Website, except for Free Use. Visitors are not entitled to use all or part of the Website for purposes other than within the framework of Free Use. Accordingly, Visitors shall not, in particular, distribute, store in a database, make available for download and market all or any part of the Website.
The Operator reserves all rights to modify, copy and distribute the Contents of the Website.
Any unauthorised use of the Content of the Website will trigger civil and/or civil law consequences. The Operator may demand to stop the infringement and paying its damages.
6. References – Links
The Website may contain links to websites owned by third parties independent from the Operator. The links are placed in the interest of the Visitors, and the Operator assumes no responsibility for the operation of the linked websites, the content contained therein and the data processing rules.
7. Data Protection
The rules on data protection are set out in the Data Protection Notice published on the Website.
By using the Website, if the browser settings used by the Visitor so permit or the Visitor expressly approves it, the Website may automatically save information about the Visitor’s computer and his devices used for browsing (tablet, smartphone, portable devices) and place so-called computer “cookies” or other similar programmes for that purpose Detailed rules on cookies are set out in the Information on the Handling of Cookies placed on the Website.
Szigetszentmiklós, 13 July 2023